Saturday, January 31, 2009


Para mi ese animal "mitológico" es como el sueño de muchas personas: Hermoso.. eterno... in alcanzable... todos deseamos algo,(casi siempre imposible), pero seguimos buscando...buscando.
Yo ¡particularmente! llevo toda la vida buscando amor...pero el amor que yo quiero, quizás no puedan o no sepan dármelo.¡como soy una romántica empedernida!me gustaría que mi marido también lo fuera,y eso es ¡imposible!, el es todo, menos romántico.
Por eso sigo buscando mi "unicornio azul" como decía Silvio Rodriguez en su canción.yo solo quiero a el, a mi marido: ¡Espero que algún día se convierta en ese ser "mitológico!...y mi sueño se haga realidad.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Simple and short Punk Hairstyles 2009

Short punk Hairstyles 2009

sexy punk hairstyle

Funny punk Hairstyle

short punk hairstyles 2009

Simple and short Punk Hairstyles 2009

Short punk Hairstyles 2009

sexy punk hairstyle

Funny punk Hairstyle

short punk hairstyles 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hoy he vuelto de un viaje "relámpago" a mi tierra querida Extremadura: Aunque breve,me ha sabido a "gloria",los encinares verdes... con sus milenarias encinas,nos recuerdan el paso de los años, pero como milagro de la naturaleza, ellas si gen en pié, desafiando el paso del tiempo, y resistiendo encorvadas hacia la tierra, como agradecidas por seguir dándoles alimento.
Como no es primavera, no tenia el campo todo su esplendor,¡pero a mi no me importa! pues en invierno también puedo disfrutar de el. Escuchando el murmullo de sus riachuelos...y viendo volar "mis queridas grullas", esas que de niña me gustaba ver volar en formación, ¡siempre en forma de v! la verdad nunca supe por que lo hacían,(tendré que investigarlo) ahora que tengo ¡todo el tiempo del mundo!.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Actress Amy Adams Hairstyle

Gorgeous Amy Adams gives her a perfect look by styling her hair in several ways. Her elegant look gets more graceful with hairstyles she makes. If you also want to follow Amy’s hairstyle then you can make it easy for yourself by choosing perfect hairstyle with your outfits.

Actress Amy Adams with Ponytail Hairstyle

Wavy bouncy look- Amy can look much younger and adorable in her short wavy hair. You can get that style of hers by coloring your hair golden-brown and parting them completely from one side. You can roll the lower part to give them a bouncy look. This hair style looks amazing on short length gowns.

• Straight and long – long and straight hair looks seductive yet elegant. Give your self a graceful look like Amy by making your straight by parting them form one side. Keep them blonde or you can even give them light brown shade. This type of hairstyle is perfect for weddings or special occasion it goes pretty well with formal dresses.

Amy Adam Long curly hairstyle

Wavy soft style- Parting your hair from the middle and making some big curls matches well with your casual outfits. Amy’s blonde and medium hair length suits with her trendy casual outfits.

Actress Amy Adams Short Curly Hairstyle

Gorgeous messy bun- Messy are celebrities favorite, especially on the awards ceremony. Amy also looks quite charming in her long stunning gown with a messy bun and beautiful simple necklace. This type of bun is easy to make. Messy bun is made just by rolling your hair up till they reach your scalp and pin them up in a clutter way so that some of your hair should fall outside the bun.

So, now on formal or informal occasion what you need to do is just put little creativity on your hairstyle and make sure that it matches your outfit. You will look lovely and fresh every time you meet people.

Actress Amy Adams Hairstyle

Gorgeous Amy Adams gives her a perfect look by styling her hair in several ways. Her elegant look gets more graceful with hairstyles she makes. If you also want to follow Amy’s hairstyle then you can make it easy for yourself by choosing perfect hairstyle with your outfits.

Actress Amy Adams with Ponytail Hairstyle

Wavy bouncy look- Amy can look much younger and adorable in her short wavy hair. You can get that style of hers by coloring your hair golden-brown and parting them completely from one side. You can roll the lower part to give them a bouncy look. This hair style looks amazing on short length gowns.

• Straight and long – long and straight hair looks seductive yet elegant. Give your self a graceful look like Amy by making your straight by parting them form one side. Keep them blonde or you can even give them light brown shade. This type of hairstyle is perfect for weddings or special occasion it goes pretty well with formal dresses.

Amy Adam Long curly hairstyle

Wavy soft style- Parting your hair from the middle and making some big curls matches well with your casual outfits. Amy’s blonde and medium hair length suits with her trendy casual outfits.

Actress Amy Adams Short Curly Hairstyle

Gorgeous messy bun- Messy are celebrities favorite, especially on the awards ceremony. Amy also looks quite charming in her long stunning gown with a messy bun and beautiful simple necklace. This type of bun is easy to make. Messy bun is made just by rolling your hair up till they reach your scalp and pin them up in a clutter way so that some of your hair should fall outside the bun.

So, now on formal or informal occasion what you need to do is just put little creativity on your hairstyle and make sure that it matches your outfit. You will look lovely and fresh every time you meet people.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Esto es un reconocimiento y agradecimiento a todas esas personas, que su trabajo consiste en ayudar a los demás: Me refiero a (entre ellos) médicos, enfermeras, conductores de ambulancias, bomberos y demás personas de PROTECCIÓN CIVIL.
Ellos velan la noche como ángeles extendiendo sus alas, acudiendo donde se les llame, llueva o escampe. Yo he sido, una de esas personas que les han necesitado, y debo decir, que hacen una labor, digna de ser reconocida, nunca me cansare de darles las gracias por su atención.
¡Espero que como yo lo hagan tantas y tantas personas a las que ellos ayudan!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Latest African American Hairstyles

These hairstyles go well with back or brown women who want to dress up and get sexy and stylish for special occation.
African American short hairstyles

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

Latest African American Hairstyles

These hairstyles go well with back or brown women who want to dress up and get sexy and stylish for special occation.
African American short hairstyles

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

Hairstyles for African American women

el milagro negro

¡Por fin se a hecho realidad!.Hoy a empezado una nueva era en el país mas grande del mundo: Yo rezo para que el "milagro" siga, y sea para bien, el mundo necesita que se cambie la forma de ver las cosas...necesita sobre todo PAZ.
Haber si el nuevo presidente cumple con su obligación y endereza ese país que según dicen el mas grande del mundo,¿pero grande en que sentido?, yo espero primero que respete los derechos una con Europa para conservar el planeta,¡me gustaría tanto que las nuevas generaciones,puedan disfrutar de nuestra "fauna y flora"para que puedan recrearse con tanta belleza como nos rodea.
¡Como fe es lo único que no me falta!sigo creyendo en el cambio, así que bien be nido PRESIDENTE.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Dicen que el amor es ciego: y yo añado tonto y (carajóto).
No creáis que lo digo por decir,tengo mis razones.
Yo soy una persona todo sensibilidad,¡y me casé con todo lo contrario!. Tengo a mi lado un hombre que sí, creo me "adora"¡el siempre esta conmigo! pero...le falta un poquito de sensibilidad y detalles, que después de 42 años que (hoy ) hace que estamos juntos, sigue sin tener,yo me pregunto ¿como puede una persona como yo? vivir tantos años con un ser todo lo contrario?.Pues como digo, EL AMOR ES CIEGO.¡Si no que me lo digan a mi!.
Pero como la esperanza es lo ultimo que se pierde, ¿no os parece? seguiré esperando esperando...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Celebrity and Actress Audrey Tautou short hairstyles

Audrey Tautou hairstyle

Audrey Justine Tautou (born 9 August, either in 1976 or 1978) is a French film actress, known to worldwide audiences for playing the title character in the award-winning 2001 film Amélie, Sophie Neveu in the 2006 thriller The Da Vinci Code

Audrey Tautou hairstyle

Actress Audrey Tautou is wearing her black hair in a cute short hairstyle when attending “Coco” premiere at the Capitol cinema on May 4, 2009 in Madrid, Spain.

Celebrity hairstyle - Audrey Tautou in a black short hair

Audrey Tautou hairstyle - short hairstyle with cute curls

Celebrity and Actress Audrey Tautou short hairstyles

Audrey Tautou hairstyle

Audrey Justine Tautou (born 9 August, either in 1976 or 1978) is a French film actress, known to worldwide audiences for playing the title character in the award-winning 2001 film Amélie, Sophie Neveu in the 2006 thriller The Da Vinci Code

Audrey Tautou hairstyle

Actress Audrey Tautou is wearing her black hair in a cute short hairstyle when attending “Coco” premiere at the Capitol cinema on May 4, 2009 in Madrid, Spain.

Celebrity hairstyle - Audrey Tautou in a black short hair

Audrey Tautou hairstyle - short hairstyle with cute curls