Thursday, March 18, 2010


Hoy la veleta varada, está de luto riguroso.
De nuevo tomó rumbo sur, para enterrar en mi tierra Extremeña, a otra querida hermana, a una luchadora incansable contra la enfermedad que implacable, quería desacer todos sus huesos, a pesar de tanto dolor, ella siempre sonreía y esperaba una mejoría para seguir viviendo. Pero ni su marca pasos (de última generación) evitó, que su cansado corazón, dejase de latir, y se quedo dormida con ese sueño largo y eterno, que ni la muerte quiso despertarla, y mandó a su Ángel, para que la envolviera en sus alas, y suavemente, la elevara hasta ese cielo azul estrellado, y la dejara en ese lucero del alba, donde yo se, la estaban esperando, esos seres tan amados que también nos habían dejado.
Desde ese sitio privilegia do, ella estará contemplando, las verdes encinas majestuosas...qué de niñas, tantas veces nos cobijában, para soportar el intenso calor, y también estarán haciéndole guardia, las grullas en formación, junto a las blancas cigüeñas, que ya nos habrán (perdonado) el robo de leña de sus nidos, que le hacíamos para poder calentarnos en esas frías noches de inviernos, frente al fuego, y a la luz del mugriento candil, leíamos esas poesías que, nos tramsportaban a otros mundos des conocidos y maravillosos para nosotros.
Se me fue, mi hermana pequeña, compañera de fatigas, de sueños he ilusiones, se fue, de este mundo incierto y algunas veces malvado, pero ¡que nadie quiere dejar! por que, ¡¡es tan hermoso vivir!! y ya se sabe... todos nacemos para morir. Yo, en este triste día, solo me queda decir...¡¡DESCANSA YA, EN PAZ QUERIDA HERMANA!!

The Japanese Tattoos

The Japanese Tattoos................

Word Vegan Tattoo Picture

Vegan written in a vine like script. Nice green and yellow colors carry the vegan theme. On the hip of a female.

Cool Arm Word Tattoo Design

This guy has a cool arm tattoo in black ink. It's written in a boxy text outline font with minimal leading between the letters. Tried rotating it, getting the mirror image, etc, but can't make any sense of the letters. They seem to read rjshmor. Anyhow, nice tattoo design and a fun mystery to guess what it means.

Wrist Word Tattoo Design

An elaborate font is used on this woman's wrist tattoo. The tattoo says "air" in black ink. Simple, elegant tattoo.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chester Tattoo Picture

Chester Tattoo Picture....................

Unique Tribal Design Tattoo

Most tribal designs are in a dark black ink. This has a subtle gray ink with white ink highlights. The name of this tattoo is bicho, which is Spanish for critter.

Unique Batman with Roses Tattoo

We've seen lots of rose tattoos and an occasional Batman tattoo, but this is unique in the combo of both. The old tv version Batman is depicted in an excellent portait. He is framed in faded rose frame and there is a halo-type light behind him.

Unique Baby Angel Baby Devil Tattoo

A lighter take on the previous picture's theme; here a baby angel kicks a soccer ball at the goal guarded by a baby devil. The baby devil has a pitchfork, wonder if he's going to skewer the ball?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pictures Tattoos

Pictures Tattoos
If your looking for a fantastic design to ink into your skin then you should really try to get a picture tattoo. Picture tattoos take actual representations of a person, place or object and ink them into your skin. They actually look like pictures. And the options you have available to you are almost unlimited. Want a picture tattoo of your great aunt? No problem. Want a picture tattoo of your beloved pet dog? You can get that done too. Look at this picture tattoo and you’ll see what I’m talking about. This tattoo design features a real map like representation of Italy. But, the artist didn’t stop there. Inside the map of Italy, the artist added pictures of famous landmarks. You have the colosseum at the top of the design and at the bottom is the leaning tower of Pisa. And the whole thing is designed so that it looks like it’s part of this person’s skin. It’s a really cool design and the colors that it’s shaded with are simply incredible. The whole tattoo has an almost old world feel to it. This gives you an idea of what can be done with this interesting design motif.
Pictures Tattoos
This is a very, very good example of a memorial pictures tattoo. Every detail of this picture tattoo is intricate, even the very small details. There not a lot of coloring in this, but the shading makes up for the lack of color in this tattoo. The hair is shaded a dark brown color, and the bangs are pronounced. The eyes have a gleam of white in them, as if they are shining. The wrinkles in the sweater are shaded and well defined. The wrinkles on the fingers and hands are shaded, and the nails are well pronounced with a tint of white as though they were gleaming. The name is well defined in the lower left hand corner and easy to read. The facial hair is dark and faded, and the smile lines are well defined. The shadow on the right of the portrait is shaded and fades outwards towards a lighter color. This is one of those portraits that shows what time and a little bit of hard work can do. This tattoo is amazingly detailed, shaded, tinted, and has a real nice motive behind it. This is what a good picture tattoo looks like.

Small Tattoos

Small Tattoos
This is a very realistic representation of a ladybug. This small tattoo has almost a three dimensional aspect to it. And it’s so lifelike it looks like it’s going to jump right out at you. But, why would someone get a small tattoo of a ladybug tattooed on them? Well, it might be because this small tattoo looks good but it also may be because of the ladybugs symbolic meaning. Cultures all over the world associate the fabled Ladybug with Good Luck and Good Fortune. For the English and French farmers it indicates good weather. In Sweden and other countries the Ladybug will bring Good Luck with finding your true love. It’s also believed that a Ladybug landing on a person will bring Good Fortune, and if one lands on you when you are ill, it takes the illness away. If a ladybug lands on the hand of a recently married woman the number of dots on its back is the number of children she will have. And considering the beautiful and docile nature of the ladybug, it’s a really good small tattoo to get inked into your skin. Especially on members of the fairer gender.
Small Tattoos
Here are two different small tattoos that have similar meanings. The small tattoo on the left is of baby footprints. This small tattoo design is symbolic of the number of children this person has. See the names of the children next to the foot prints? This small tattoo is clearing celebrating the birth of this person’s children. The tattoo on the right has three brightly colored lizards, again with the names of children next to them. Now, if I didn’t know for a fact that this too was a small tattoo commemorating the birth of the person’s children, I would assume that it had a different meaning. Different cultures regard lizard tattoos with varying symbolism. Native Americans, for example, associate lizards with dreams; therefore, those with lizard tattoos could be seen as dreamers or individuals who can interpret dreams. The Romans would have viewed lizard tattoos as symbols of rebirth and resurrection due to their belief that lizards hibernated. But, since this tattoo clearly celebrates three births, we will leave the lizard symbolism alone. Now, if your looking for a small tattoo that commemorates your children then don’t just confine yourself to these designs. Stars, moons, roses or even ants could be used in the same way.

The Perfect Tattoo Art Gallery

The Perfect Tattoo Art Gallery..............................

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cute and Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Designs For Girls

Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Designs For Girls

Are you contemplating getting your first tattoo or even getting another tattoo? The world of female tattoos has exploded and there are tons of females out there looking for tattoo designs for girls. Here are some of the top designs for girls and the hottest tattoos out there right now.

Butterfly TattoosButterflies of course go through the metamorphosis and chrysalis stage as they change from a worm into a butterfly. Therefore butterfly tattoos are incredibly symbolic and meaningful. They can easily symbolize change in your life or a major event that brought forth change. However, they are also just plain beautiful designs. The symmetry of the butterflies wings and the beauty of their coloration make them a great design choice for a very cute and feminine tattoo design for girls.

Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Designs For Girls

Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Designs For Girls

Cute and Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Designs For Girls

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Get A Tattoo Removed

Can not Get A Tattoo Removed?

In recent years, tattoos have become more important and said that nearly one of every four people has one. Get A Tattoo RemovedUnfortunately, some of us carried away and get something that we regret. When it comes to get a tattoo removed, there are several options. TCA is one of them. But how effective is it? Let's find out.

What is TCA?

Better known as the skin or chemical scarification, this method uses acid solution to assist in the removal of the skin. Trichloroacetic acid form usually used is acid (TCA), non-prescription acid peel strength that has the look and consistency of water. This technique was originally used to remove wrinkles and acne scars. However, it also has been proposed as an aid in the removal of tattoos. It is stated that in some cases, it can remove tattoos and other people, this can help alleviate the ink to fade or to reduce the amount of expensive laser treatment.

How It's Done

Trichloroacetic acid is basically a peeling agent. When applied to the affected area, it causes inflammation under control. In reaction, the skin will start peeling off and pour in a week application. This process causes the pigment ink to break apart and move toward the skin surface, where followed by the growth of new skin. The use of TCA usually requires several months of use to act efficiently, thus, it should be reapplied every six weeks.

Get A Tattoo RemovedEffectiveness Scarification

It is impossible to estimate how long it takes to get the expected results much. Managed to get a tattoo removed will depend on several factors. The size and age of tattoo, the type of ink used and the color of the skin all contribute to the efficiency of the process.

Applications to play an additional role, as an amateur tattoo has a success rate higher then they were done by a professional. Although sometimes effective, there are many cases where scarification may not work. And because of trichloroacetic acid to act by causing second-degree burns the skin, acne scars and permanent results can occur.

Get A Tattoo RemovedA Word Of Caution

Approximately 10 to 20% of individuals who use the TCA may see some adverse skin reactions. These include pain, blisters and skin discoloration worse. Each different skin types and is recommended to do a patch test before treatment to determine any skin allergies.

Also should be noted that this product should not be used on darker skin tones. Has been known to have unexpected results on the asian, african Hispanic and skin color. Not only need more applications, but can cause additional extreme hypopigmentation of the skin. This is not recommended for those who are not fair skinned.

Peels chemicals can be effective in getting a tattoo removed, but it involves "burning" the skin and ink. Also can not be used on all skin colors. Frankly, there are more gentle and less invasive method feasible for in.