Saturday, June 27, 2009


¿Alguna vez os habéis sentido sola rodeada de gente?. Así, me siento yo, quizás es por que ultima mente estoy bastante fastidiada, tengo una rodilla (a la publica subasta), llevo 4 meses con un dolor ¡inaguantable!, y eso tal vez, me condiciona a pensar lo sola que estoy.
Ya sabéis que en la gran Ciudad, ¡nadie se preocupa por nadie!...¡si! tengo 3 hijas,pero cada una tiene su propia vida, y por trabajo, están en Ciudades diferente, una al norte otra al sur,y la del centro, no tiene tiempo ni para rascarse el moño(como decía mi madre) estudia y trabaja, ¿que le vas a pedir? y mi la antigua escuela, machito...machito, y ¿como lo cambio ahora después de 43 años siendo el jefe?, ¡En fin no tengo mas remedio que desahogarme en este rincón!, precisamente lo cree para poder decirme cosas a mi misma, pues ¿a quien se las voy a decir?, parecerá una tontería pero me siento aliviada...
Bueno, como estoy hablando conmigo, me diré...¡¡Paciencia Esperanza!! que siempre que llueve...luego escampa, yo espero que lo haga pronto y yo vuelva a encontrar la alegría de vivir que siempre me acompaño.

Monday, June 22, 2009


No quiero dejar pasar mas días, sin decir lo que pienso de los asesinos de ETA.
A ellos me dirijo personalmente, y les digo.¡¡Sois escoria humana!! seguro que asta tenéis hijos, ¡¡que orgullosos estarán de tener un asesino por padre!! y ¿vuestra madre? ¡¡que pena!! ver que "alguien que a tenido en su vientre", es un (asesino mercenario), ¡no seáis hipócritas! ¿decís que es por Euskadi? no nos engañ simplemente cuestión de dinero.
Euskadi necesita ¡¡libertad!! y para eso tenemos Democracia, pero eso no da dinero ¿verdad?, ¿por que os empeñáis en no ser Españoles? ¡¡que necios!! España es nuestra Nación queráis o no, y no sabéis lo¡ orgullosa que yo me siento de ser Española!.
Solo me queda por deciros que sois como "hienas"y que por mucho que sigáis matando, ¡¡siempre quedara alguien para luchar por la Paz de esa linda tierra que es Euskadi.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hoy mi entrada es para un gran escritor novel.
Es mi forma de agradecerle a mi (hijo) político, su gran afición por la escritura, el es ¡incansable! yo creo, que las "musas" viven eternamente en su cabeza. A mi me gusta todo lo que escribe, pero sin dudar... ¡sus poemas!, son de un gusto exquisito y tienen tanta dulzura y sensibilidad, que yo nunca me canso de leerlos.
Admiro su capacidad para la narrativa, sus novelas son ¡fantásticas!, pero, lo que mas me gusta de el, es su constancia,¡siempre esta "garabateando" en un blog, seguro que la mitad de las veces no entiende (ni el) lo que escribe, tiene una letra como "pulga", se (de buena tinta) que Raquel, su esposa y mi hija, le "traduce" algunas veces sus propios escritos.
Pero, no solo es un ¡gran! escritor, sino un gran padre, tiene una paciencia infinita con sus 2 hijas, a las que les inculca su afición por la lectura, por lo que también le doy las gracias, a los hijos tenemos el dever, de darles ejemplo con nuestros actos.
En resumen...¡¡Gracias por ser como heres!! con tus virtudes y tus defectos, he res sin lugar a duda Jesús un "gran" hombre.

Friday, June 19, 2009




Mi marido dice que soy "demasiado romántica", supongo que tiene razón, pero yo no puedo remediarlo...Siempre veo belleza a mi alrededor. Me gusta que la brisa de la tarde, me traiga aromas del heno recién cortado, y escuchar el canto de los pajaros entre el follaje de los verdes arboles...y el tacto de un pétalo de rosa tan suave...tan sedoso que me transporta a un mundo bello y lejano, pero..¡tan hermoso!. ¿Alguna vez habéis visto a un colibrí?, sus alas se mueven a una velocidad ¡increíble!, y solo para extraer el néctar del cáliz de una flor. Así puedo seguir enumerando las bellezas que nos rodean, si te sientas frente al mar, una noche de luna llena, veras como "riela" sobre ese mar en ¡impresionante!. Y no hay nada mas hermoso que la campiña de "mi tierra Extremeña" es, como un tapiz de Goya, tiene una variedad de colorido...esta la humilde margarita, con su blanco y amarillo y el azul del romero, pero la reyna del campo sin duda ¡la amapola! erguida sobre el verde trigo, inunda de rojo pasión todo el trigal.
Si ver lo que me rodea así es ser romántica, confieso que lo soy. ¡Si debo ser lo! pues todavía puedo ver... ¡ El resplandor en la Yerba!.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


No podía dejar pasar este día,(que como dice el refrán) reluce mas que el sol, es el día del Corpus Chisty. A mi, me trae recuerdos de una infancia lejana, donde ese día, las calles de mi pueblo se convertían en altares bellamente engalanados, no faltaba en ningún balcón,las mejores colchas de los ajuares, que cada mujer sacaba,y por las calles se esparcían montañas de "juncia y poleo" que los hombres de la casa, ya la habían cogido el día anterior. Así, cuando pasaba la Santa Custodia, el aroma del incienso se mezclaba con el del poleo y la juncia embriagando los sentidos.
Recuerdo a mi madre,y mi hermana mayor, montando el altar, y todas las vecinas aportaban lo mejor de cada casa, un jarrón de mejor maceta, el paño del altar con la puntilla a ganchillo que mi propia madre había hecho...son paginas de mi vida. Se, que ahora no es tiempo de actos religiosos, ya casi nadie cree en esas cosas, pero yo me crié en el seno de una familia (tal vez demasiado religiosa),pero eran esos tiempos, en los que no iban a misa...¡ya sabes lo que pasaba!, yo he criado a mis hijas en esa religión cuando pequeñas, pero cuando fueron mayores, le di libertad para elegir, pues creo que la religión, es una opción personal, y cada uno es libre para elegirla.
Por mi parte, tengo mi propia fe, yo creo en un Dios caritativo, magnánimo, en ese Jesucristo, que daba de comer al ve ver al sediento, ese es mi Dios, pero a veces me pregunto..¿donde esta ese mi Dios? ¿por que permite tanta maldad?, daría ¡¡cualquier cosa!!por que alguien me contestara. Dicen que la fe es ciega...sera por eso que yo sigo amando a ese mi Dios.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Celebrity Haircuts That Work For You

Katie Holmes's Short Bob
BEST FOR "This look works best on heart- and oval-shaped faces," says N.Y.C. hairstylist Patrick Melville. "It also works on a square face if the bob is angled slightly."
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN Rounder faces want to avoid anything shorter than chin-length since it will accentuate the shape. If you have a high forehead, opt for a few long, side-swept bangs. Straight and wavy textures work well for the short bob, but beware that coarse hair at a shorter length can often appear puffy and untamed.

Katie Holmes's Short Bob Hiarstyle

Reese Witherspoon's Long Layers with Bangs
BEST FOR "This look works so well on Reese because she has a heart-shaped face and a strong jawline, and the bangs and layers soften those angles," says David John of the Serge Normant at John Frieda Salon in L.A.
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN If you have an oval face, ask your stylist to cut shorter layers close to the feature you'd like to highlight, such as lips, cheekbones or eyes. For round faces, John recommends adding "a longer side-swept bang to disguise the fullness of the face."

Reese Witherspoon's Long Layers with Bangs

Victoria Beckham's Pixie Cut
BEST FOR "This cut works well for anyone with strong facial features," says hairstylist Barmoha. "It adds femininity to a sharp jawline." This cut is also great for heart-shaped faces because it draws attention to the eyes and cheekbones.
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN If you have fine hair, a pixie adds height to the crown, making hair appear thicker. If your hair is wavy, make sure your stylist embraces its natural unruliness—the result will be magically messy!

Victoria Beckham's Pixie Cut

Gwyneth Paltrow's Long Bob
BEST FOR "Round faces are slimmed by long layers around the face that naturally fall forward," says N.Y.C. salon owner Eva Scrivo.
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN The "lob" is an incredibly versatile style for those with straight to wavy hair textures. If you have a square face, avoid blunt bobs; choppier versions will soften your jawline and draw attention away from any hard angles.

Gwyneth Paltrow's Long Bob

Jennifer Hudson's Choppy Cut
BEST FOR "This is a great haircut for someone with a long face," says L.A. stylist Stephanie Pohl. (If you have a square jawline like Hudson's, Pohl recommends styling hair with a center part.)
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN If you have thick hair, this choppy cut is a great way to thin it out. If you have curly hair, ask for a subtle graduation in the back for this cut to work best. Slim fuller faces with the addition of side-swept bangs.

Jennifer Hudson's Choppy Cut

More Beautiful Clebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Jessica Alba Short Curly hairstyle
Celebrity Marley Shelton Fashion Hairstyles
Celebrity Lisa Rinna Hairstyle For Oscar 2009
Celebrity Camilla Belle Hairstyle

Celebrity Haircuts That Work For You

Katie Holmes's Short Bob
BEST FOR "This look works best on heart- and oval-shaped faces," says N.Y.C. hairstylist Patrick Melville. "It also works on a square face if the bob is angled slightly."
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN Rounder faces want to avoid anything shorter than chin-length since it will accentuate the shape. If you have a high forehead, opt for a few long, side-swept bangs. Straight and wavy textures work well for the short bob, but beware that coarse hair at a shorter length can often appear puffy and untamed.

Katie Holmes's Short Bob Hiarstyle

Reese Witherspoon's Long Layers with Bangs
BEST FOR "This look works so well on Reese because she has a heart-shaped face and a strong jawline, and the bangs and layers soften those angles," says David John of the Serge Normant at John Frieda Salon in L.A.
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN If you have an oval face, ask your stylist to cut shorter layers close to the feature you'd like to highlight, such as lips, cheekbones or eyes. For round faces, John recommends adding "a longer side-swept bang to disguise the fullness of the face."

Reese Witherspoon's Long Layers with Bangs

Victoria Beckham's Pixie Cut
BEST FOR "This cut works well for anyone with strong facial features," says hairstylist Barmoha. "It adds femininity to a sharp jawline." This cut is also great for heart-shaped faces because it draws attention to the eyes and cheekbones.
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN If you have fine hair, a pixie adds height to the crown, making hair appear thicker. If your hair is wavy, make sure your stylist embraces its natural unruliness—the result will be magically messy!

Victoria Beckham's Pixie Cut

Gwyneth Paltrow's Long Bob
BEST FOR "Round faces are slimmed by long layers around the face that naturally fall forward," says N.Y.C. salon owner Eva Scrivo.
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN The "lob" is an incredibly versatile style for those with straight to wavy hair textures. If you have a square face, avoid blunt bobs; choppier versions will soften your jawline and draw attention away from any hard angles.

Gwyneth Paltrow's Long Bob

Jennifer Hudson's Choppy Cut
BEST FOR "This is a great haircut for someone with a long face," says L.A. stylist Stephanie Pohl. (If you have a square jawline like Hudson's, Pohl recommends styling hair with a center part.)
MORE TIPS TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN If you have thick hair, this choppy cut is a great way to thin it out. If you have curly hair, ask for a subtle graduation in the back for this cut to work best. Slim fuller faces with the addition of side-swept bangs.

Jennifer Hudson's Choppy Cut

More Beautiful Clebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Jessica Alba Short Curly hairstyle
Celebrity Marley Shelton Fashion Hairstyles
Celebrity Lisa Rinna Hairstyle For Oscar 2009
Celebrity Camilla Belle Hairstyle

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hace tiempo que no entro en el blog, pues como dirían mis nietas,(he estado malita) como ya estoy mejor, mi primera entrada es para un "buen amigo" la Casa de Pinel, espero no te lo tomes a mal, lo hago (como tu sabes) desde el corazón.
Tu he res para mí, como un rió cuando nace, sus aguas cristalinas se deslizan mansamente, flanqueado por el oloroso poleo y la menta, las adelfas frondosas, también le acompañan y le dan un colorido inigualable. ¡¡es tan bello !! que, asta el orgulloso junco se doblega, para besar tus aguas. Así, sigue su cauce, tranquilo...sereno, ¡mas de pronto en el valle, ruge la tormenta y los rayos dan paso al intenso aguacero que vuelven las aguas turbulentas, que a su paso, intentan arrasar con todo. Pero...tras la tempestad llega la calma, y el rió, se amansa, y sus aguas de nuevo cristalinas, si gen su camino hacia el Mar de la Eternidad, allí terminara su andadura, y encontrara a sus seres mas queridos, y con ellos vera "rielar" la luna sobre ese mar, acompañado de estrellas y luceros.

Así, te veo yo querido amigo....

Monday, June 8, 2009

Jessica Alba Latest Hairstyle in 2009

Jessica Alba is one of the few celebrities who have not had a single hair disaster and the way she flaunts her cute and latest new hairstyles, it is unlikely to happen in the future as well. Recently, Alba was placed at #3 on a poll conducted by one of the reputed hairstyle magazine to find out ‘Most Wanted Celebrity Hairstyle’.

Celebrity Jessica Alba's latest Hairstyle

The actresses are well known for their latest and trendier looks and hairstyles. They generally change their hairstyles rapidly, but that must match their looks and the shape of face also. Jessica Alba’s shape of the face is a blend of oval and diamond. Jessica Alba is famous for her wavy long hairstyle.

Actress Jessica Alba long curly hairstyle

She generally wears long but wavy hairstyles. Her long hair is made locks at her jaw line and shoulders. The locks falling on her face also looks trendy. People are fond of keeping those locks falling over the face due to this trend by the famous actress. Her hairstyles are famous in industry foe it suits her everytime she wears them.
Celebrity Jessica Alba Bob Hairstyle

Her dresses are also complimenting to the long and wavy hair. She has a thin medium hair texture and thus prefers to keep her long wavy hairstyles while attending the Award functions. Her hairstyles have however changed since last few years.

The long dark hair changed to her blonde bob cut and at the last, long again. These changes have been enormous in the last years but they suit her very well. All colors and hairstyles compliment her personality making her a brilliant actress.

Celebrity Jessica Alba hairstyle

Actress Jessica Alba Updo Hairstyle

Visit Here For More Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Camilla Belle Hairstyle
Celebrity Lisa Rinna Hairstyle For Oscar 2009
Celebrity Jessica Alba Short Curly hairstyle
Spring Hairstyles 2009

Jessica Alba Latest Hairstyle in 2009

Jessica Alba is one of the few celebrities who have not had a single hair disaster and the way she flaunts her cute and latest new hairstyles, it is unlikely to happen in the future as well. Recently, Alba was placed at #3 on a poll conducted by one of the reputed hairstyle magazine to find out ‘Most Wanted Celebrity Hairstyle’.

Celebrity Jessica Alba's latest Hairstyle

The actresses are well known for their latest and trendier looks and hairstyles. They generally change their hairstyles rapidly, but that must match their looks and the shape of face also. Jessica Alba’s shape of the face is a blend of oval and diamond. Jessica Alba is famous for her wavy long hairstyle.

Actress Jessica Alba long curly hairstyle

She generally wears long but wavy hairstyles. Her long hair is made locks at her jaw line and shoulders. The locks falling on her face also looks trendy. People are fond of keeping those locks falling over the face due to this trend by the famous actress. Her hairstyles are famous in industry foe it suits her everytime she wears them.
Celebrity Jessica Alba Bob Hairstyle

Her dresses are also complimenting to the long and wavy hair. She has a thin medium hair texture and thus prefers to keep her long wavy hairstyles while attending the Award functions. Her hairstyles have however changed since last few years.

The long dark hair changed to her blonde bob cut and at the last, long again. These changes have been enormous in the last years but they suit her very well. All colors and hairstyles compliment her personality making her a brilliant actress.

Celebrity Jessica Alba hairstyle

Actress Jessica Alba Updo Hairstyle

Visit Here For More Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Camilla Belle Hairstyle
Celebrity Lisa Rinna Hairstyle For Oscar 2009
Celebrity Jessica Alba Short Curly hairstyle
Spring Hairstyles 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Latest Updo Hairstyles

Often, simple and easy updos look so elegant that they steal the show and make every head turning towards them. Tying the hair at the back of the head with a band is the easiest way to make an updo. Else, using beautiful clips to take hair off the face is the best way to look smart. Casual updos are best for busy moms who cant spend much time in styling their hair.

Easy updos are worth considering for any formal or casual occasion. All you need are some hair styling products and accessories and you can give yourself the look like any hair style expert. For women with busy schedules, do-it-yourself easy updos help them save time and money.

Latest Updo hairstyles

Glamorous Updo Hairstyle

Paris Hilton with updo hairstyle

More Gorgeous Hairstyles
Celebrity Camilla Belle Hairstyle
Men Hairstyles For The Year 2009
Latest Layered Hairstyles For Women
Spring Hairstyles 2009

Latest Updo Hairstyles

Often, simple and easy updos look so elegant that they steal the show and make every head turning towards them. Tying the hair at the back of the head with a band is the easiest way to make an updo. Else, using beautiful clips to take hair off the face is the best way to look smart. Casual updos are best for busy moms who cant spend much time in styling their hair.

Easy updos are worth considering for any formal or casual occasion. All you need are some hair styling products and accessories and you can give yourself the look like any hair style expert. For women with busy schedules, do-it-yourself easy updos help them save time and money.

Latest Updo hairstyles

Glamorous Updo Hairstyle

Paris Hilton with updo hairstyle

More Gorgeous Hairstyles
Celebrity Camilla Belle Hairstyle
Men Hairstyles For The Year 2009
Latest Layered Hairstyles For Women
Spring Hairstyles 2009